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Find engaging segment from your tracks upto 10X faster!

Confused which part of your song could be engaging or looking for the right snippet to promote on Instagram, Facebook or TikTok?

Use our AI algorithms to find the most engaging parts of your tracks

No file chosen

How it works?

Upload a .mp3 or .wav file. A track duration of at least 30 seconds is suggested, with a maximum upload duration of 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Ensure the track has good audio quality for the best results.

After clicking upload, our AI algorithms processes the audio file and gives you the results!

Download and use further as per your needs. Promote catchy parts of your songs to engage more listeners.


What should I do if I can't find an engaging snippet in the first 1-2 minutes of audio, or if I'm not satisfied with the content?

Try uploading a different segment of the track which has more melodies or rhythm patterns at the first 30 seconds and experiment.

Why does my device specify file type not allowed error in android?

Open with sound picker and try again.


Liked what you heard? Give us a shout on social media.

Got the best part of the track you wanted? Great! Be it music production or social media music marketing, we have got you covered. Feel free to share us on all social platforms and let the word out.

Sharing your favorite music segments with your followers can boost your engagement and expand your audience like never before. Imagine the possibilities when your tracks get the recognition they deserve on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. Our AI technology isn't just about finding the most engaging parts of your tracks—it's about helping you connect with your listeners in a way that's authentic and impactful. When you share your snippets, don't forget to tag us! We love seeing how our tools help artists and content creators thrive. Use hashtag #HarmonySnippetsAI to join a community of like-minded individuals who are leveraging technology to enhance their musical journey.
AI on deck! Serving up your next dopamine hit.